



La Paz


6 months

Language of work



Innovation Advisor

This position is only available in French at the following address:  https://cooperation.ceci.ca/fr/details-du-poste/10754

Partner organisation

L'organización Económica para el Desarrollo (OEPAIC) est un réseau national bolivien qui représente plus de 4 000 artisans/artisanes des régions rurales et périurbaines. Ses membres sont des organisations autogérées regroupées en 8 associations nationales. Le réseau, qui sert de coordination entre les organisations d’artisans avec identité culturelle, a pour objectifs de défendre les droits des artisans/artisanes qui ont une identité culturelle, de représenter les organisations face à l’État, la société civile et la coopération internationale, d’appuyer l’amélioration de la production et de la commercialisation des produits des associations affiliées et de renforcer le réseau.

CECI is an employer that values diversity and respects employment equity. People from the following groups are encouraged to apply: Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, people living with disabilities, and people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
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Following recent changes to the Government of Canada’s international travel advice, CECI will gradually resume international volunteer deployments. Express your interest by applying on our available positions. Conditions related to the resumption of international mobilization will follow shortly.

We are always looking for Canadian citizens or permanent residents living in one of the countries where our programs are implemented. If this is your case, please send us your application!

*NEW* We now offer remote volunteering positions! If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and are available to provide support for 5 to 35 hours per week to one of our partner organizations, you can now do remote volunteer assignment from Canada. Consult the list of available positions!